Content marketing and public relations are essential to many organisations. Our mission is to build your reputation, increase your authority and communicate your expertise.

Our team of senior-level experts operate as an extension of your team. We work directly with your founders, directors, operations managers, marketing and admin teams. You get senior-level experience and a much greater focus on your business compared to working with a large corporate agency.

We have been providing this service since 2006 and many of our original clients are still with us.

Every programme we create is bespoke. Because your needs and objectives are unique to you.

Our service includes:

  • B2B Content marketing
  • B2B Public & Media Relations
  • B2B Marketing Strategy

Be That Difference.

We are entering an era where brands must proactively shape their organisations around a clearly defined purpose to stay relevant and thrive.

During the summer of 2024, we are launching ‘Be that difference’. A B2B branding and cultural transformation agency.  We don't just craft brand identities; we empower brands by uncovering and articulating their purpose. In a world filled with rhetoric, we help organisations distinguish themselves through impactful actions and behaviours.

We are architects of change, helping to shape a better tomorrow by enabling individuals, teams and organisations to 'BE THAT DIFFERENCE.' 


Define and artuculate purpose.

Set your North star.

All a company's truth sits within its walls. To build powerful purpose-driven brands we always build from the inside out.

This stage is all about understanding the current state, we do this through workshopping and discussions with those who know best: your employees and key stakeholders. 


Leadership role modeling.

Personal branding: leading on Purpose.

We enable leaders and teams to set the tone, articulate the vision, and model behaviours that align with the organisation's purpose.

Being seen to act on purpose authentically will inspire and guide colleagues as they internalise and incorporate purpose into their daily work.


Environment and social strategy.

Link doing well with doing good - journey to Net-Zero

For us sustainability should be a cornerstone of every organisation's purpose.  Supporting your journey to net zero, our Carbon Literacy training courses will educate and help shift mindsets around sustainability and the need to journey to Net Zero.


Purpose-led brand storytelling 

Creating emotional engagement.

Embedding purpose, it's all about the storytelling.  We help translate purpose and values into relatable, human-centric narratives. We create stories,  that resonate on a personal level, to make a more profound connection with your audiences, showcasing exactly what your colleagues and organisation as a whole is doing to Be that difference.

Look out for the website coming soon…or speak with Paul or Craig to learn more.

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